Current goals and why?
Currently I am focused on being able to be competition ready with short notice. What that means to me is being so comfortable and confident in as many crossfit movements as possible. I came into crossfit because I needed something that was 100% mine and I can use it to prove to myself that when I go after something, I don't stop until I achieve it.
What keeps me motivated?
I have really learned to aim for dedication over motivation because for me motivation can be to easily manipulated by my emotions or physical feeling. My driving force is knowing I only get out of this what I put in and I've decided I'm worth investing in.
Why is important to me to live a healthy lifestyle?
I'm not ready to slow down or give up anything in life anytime soon. I want it to be my decision to make changes not my body's. I want to give myself the best opportunity I can as I age.
My most memorable experience in this program?
I would say it has to be that my coach cares about my mental stress just as much as my physical progression. She has taught me that both are important to have a well rounded training routine.
Bright spots:
- I have increased my split jerk 15lbs, my back squat 10lbs, my front squat 10lbs, and my deadlift by 20lbs.
- I have also learned why I need to consume what foods and when to optimize my training. That was something I did not fully understand before the programming.
- I fully trusted my coaches to take me through a bulk and cut season with my wedding only months away. I have really learned to trust AND enjoy the process along the way.