1.)What are your current goals and why?
I'm currently trying to lose body fat so that I can get to a point where I feel comfortable getting into a muscle-building phase. I've struggled with being overweight my whole life despite being a relatively active person and I want to be able to grow and show off the muscles I know I have!
2.)What keeps you motivated?
My commitment to being the best version of myself is a huge motivation. I've learned that I feel so much better physically AND mentally when I prioritize staying hydrated, eating well-balanced meals, and living an active lifestyle. I've been more confident in my everyday life and that keeps me wanting to push myself and keep improving.
3.) Why is it important to you to live a healthy lifestyle?
Living a healthy lifestyle is important to me because I believe we live in a society where unhealthy habits are too easy to develop and it becomes difficult to make the right decisions when it comes to our health. It's also important to me because I have a physically demanding job that I want to be in shape for and be able to be successful in for the rest of my career.
4.) What is your most memorable experience in this program?
I think the most memorable part of this program has been realizing that there isn't a trick or big secret to health and fitness. It comes down to lifestyle changes and committing to them. I was so used to giving up on a "diet" after 2 weeks of not seeing any results, and now I understand that wanting a quick fix was the mindset holding me back from succeeding. Having the support and guidance from amazing coaches and a community to keep up encouragement has truly been life-changing and I've learned healthy habits that I see myself holding for the rest of my life, which is an amazing feeling.
5.) BRIGHT SPOTS. Hype up your accomplishments, what are you most proud of so far since starting the program?
Physically, I've seen more results in 5 months of doing this program than I did after 2 years of doing HIIT classes and YEARS of trying to live a healthy lifestyle, but not really understanding what that meant. Between lifting heavier weights in the gym, seeing more muscle definition in my arms (which was always one of my insecurities!), and losing 20 pounds - I really didn't think I could accomplish so much in such a short time, which makes me really excited to continue this journey and see what the future holds.