1.) What are your current goals and why? Transition to doing a body recomp where I can focus on some physique goals as well as, continue with powerlifting and gaining strength.
2.) What keeps you motivated?
I want to maintain my active lifestyle. I also want to enjoy my grandkids.I'm a goal-oriented person. I like something to work for.
3.) Why is it important to you to live a healthy lifestyle?
I feel better mentally physically and emotionally when I live a healthy lifestyle.
4.) What is your most memorable experience in this program?
Gained confidence in my abilities after knee replacements. I'm pushing myself like I used to and seeing results.
5.) BRIGHT SPOTS. Hype up your accomplishments, what are you most proud of so far since starting the program?
My husband and I are very active and enjoy adventures. We want to continue all things. A healthy lifestyle makes all this possible as we age. He is running marathons and I do powerlifting.
Ruth Also competed in a powerlifting competition recently! These were her totals for her lifts: Bench 135lbs; Deadlift 225lbs; Bicep curl: 80lbs! She more than doubled her 1RM for all these lifts when she first joined the program 6 months ago!